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20:00 Total Body At Home Workout with Dumbbells

December 04, 2020

20:00 Total Body At Home Workout with Dumbbells


20:00 2-Dumbbells workout for total body strength and conditioning.

This was a fun workout because it’s max effort then you’re done with the exercise. Also, because it can be done at home even if your pup gets curious about what you’re doing. For weight, choose a weight that is moderately heavy BUT that you can stick with for the duration of the time set for max reps that you won’t have to take rest from because your rest time is structured in the workout already. I would say beginners to stick with 10-15lb dumbbells and if you’re more fit to go with 20-35lb dumbbells. I used 25lbs and that was plenty!

  • 0:00-5:00 Minutes Perform Max Reps of Manmakers then rest.
  • Rest 3:00
  • 8:00-12:00 Min Perform Max Reps of Devil Presses then rest.
  • Rest 2:00
  • 14:00-17:00 Min Perform Max Reps of Burpees.
  • Rest 1:00
  • 18:00-20:00 Min Max Reps of Lunge Jumps.

The goal is for the entire time set for that exercise you stay consistent and knock out as many reps as you can. This is why you want to choose your weight wisely so it’s something you can do 10+ reps of without having to break. My "Pre-workout" was a serving of ABS Protein Pancakes and a very large cup of delicious coffee with heavy cream! 


Ashley Drummonds 

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