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How to Properly Store Wine At Home- What temperature should you store wine at?

December 04, 2020

How to Properly Store Wine At Home- What temperature should you store wine at?

How to properly store wine at home without a wine fridge? In this video, I will discuss the specific temperatures for storing white wine and red wine along with show you what happens to a bottle of wine when it’s been exposed to heat.


There are a lot of components that go into figuring out the right temperature for wine which we will go over in the video, but generally cold is always better because cold acts as a natural preservative for the fruit to keep it fresh. Even red wines can be stored in your fridge at home to preserve the wines flavor and you can just remove the wine from the fridge 30-45 minutes before enjoying allowing it to warm up to room temperature for serving if you do not have a wine fridge. I will go into more detail in the video so be sure to watch all the way through! Cheers! Ashley Drummonds

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